13 September 2009

CSI NY:519,520

519 | Communication Breakdown

Episode recap: A leader of the Montiquan Indian tribe is found dead on the subway after a multi-national fight. 

Initially, it appears the Chief was shot but further tests reveal that he died of sepsis from an acute intestinal infection cause by a strange pick made from a Baleen whale: clearly it was not an accident. 

As the team searches for clues to who may have murdered him, they find a Korean father who shot his gun at his daughter’s boyfriend and the bullet pierced the subway car window. 

They also find a recently settled dispute between an East Indian family and the Chief as well as an angry Gaelic hurling team captain who took a swing at the Chief. 

None of these people killed him. Turns out one of his tribesmen did it after an online gambling operation went sour. 

Meanwhile, as Danny picks out boys' names for Lindsay’s baby, he is shocked to learn they are having a girl.




(在結尾的時候... 翻譯機也派上了.. 用場XD)



丹尼跟霍克對話那一段有種說不出的..  奇怪(?)




Stella: It's funny, you know? We ride trains, share sidewalks, row boats with so many different kinds of people in this town from some many different places and sometimes we don't notice a culture until some is gone.

Mac: In order to be a true New Yorker you gotta keep your eyes, heart and mind open at all times.




520 | Prey

Episode recap: When the killer of a local vocal coach, Russell Baxter, sends a text message of Baxter's dead body and where to find him to police, Mac and the team find that the circumstances around Baxter's death and the evidence left behind which consists of Yak hair, volcanic ash and dry ice, sends the investigation on a wild goose chase. 

The victim himself surprises the team, especially when they find out he is a serial stalker whose unwavering fixation on one of the two women he preyed on relentlessly caused her to commit suicide. Mac, Stella and Det. Flack look for the second stalking victim and find that she changed her name and may be in New York City which is why Baxter came in the first place. The unusual evidence starts to come together in Stella's mind when she realizes each is similar to several separate cases she lectured students on at the local university. 

Stella figures out that the killer must have taken her class and quickly tries to find the student; who they also believe may be Baxter's other stalking victim. As Stella and the team close in on the killer a part of her, after seeing the harm Baxter has inflicted on his victim's lives, hopes the killer gets away but keeps true to her duty as an officer and brings Baxter's killer to justice.

這集有點那種...  上次席德的徒弟...   重蹈覆轍的感覺。

不過那人也是真的該死阿=   =     一直騷擾、威脅他人,一天還打70~80次的電話,


那位跳樓女孩的哥哥... 講的真的很... 感傷~~~~



(全部都是間接證據,所以可能定不了罪)  <-------  史黛拉教的好XDDDDDDDDD



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