23 min - Short | Comedy | Drama
This is story is about a teacher who wants to quit teaching people to play the piano. However, when he, Glenn, plans to pack up and go home with his parents, there's a father who takes his daughter, Mila, to ask Glenn to teach his daughter, who only is able to play the flute, to play the piano.
故事在說一個音樂老師不教鋼琴了。然而有一個俄羅斯父親帶著他女兒要老師在一天 之內教她會這首For Elsie (Beethoven - Für Elise,就是我們小時候垃圾車的那首歌),問題是,女兒Mila,只學過長笛而已。
Director: David Winstone
Writer: Vincent Klueger
Stars: Blake Ritson, Olegar Fedoro, Eline Powell
Glenn played by Blake Ritson
Micky played by Tom Marshall
Kilow played by Olegar Fedoro
Mila played by Eline Pauwels
Mama Kilow played by Caroline Blakiston
Bodyguard 1 played by Mark Fox
Bodyguard 2 played by Martin Webb
(PS: Blake Ritson is a co-producer in it.)
Why is Blake Ritson so lovely in it? Though he acting Glenn is totally freaking out. :P
這是個short film,Blake Ritson在裡面好可愛(捧頰)。水汪汪的大眼睛,無辜皺眉的樣子,驚慌失措表現得很笨拙的樣子<3
2011 - The Student Best Fiction Award at Royal Television Society, UK.
2012 - The Audience Award at Manchester Exposures Student Film and Moving Image Festival.
2012 - Honorable Mention at Next Reel International Film Festival in Singapore.
2012 - The Audience Award at VGIK International Student Festival in Moscow, Russia.
2012 - The Bronze Award at the International Student Film and Video Festival of Beijing Film Academy.
2012 - 39th Student Oscar Awards - Foreign Film (Gold Medal): David Winstone
For Elsie (2011) imdb
For Elsie (film) wiki
I have to say this is really interesting to watch. :)
For Elsie (2011) 发布人 My_Faves
後來更是一揮把Glenn打昏,囚禁(?)在一個擺著一根一根鐵鎚的地方。還等主角自己醒來,還被換上了西裝((是誰是誰幫主角換衣服的!)),被威脅要斷他手指的人嚇到 。
我覺得裡頭有一段真$%^&*,就是Glenn開始要教Mila彈鋼琴,但只能從基礎的來,但Mila表現不佳,彈鋼琴應該很有難度吧,辛苦了。所以Glenn就把節拍器關掉,去冰箱 拿飲料(為什麼冰箱只有飲料,還是是酒?) Glenn喝了一口之後,Mila搶去喝一口, 然後就哭了。Glenn很慌張地安慰Mila,也跟她說他要搬回家跟爸媽住,結果Mila說「 也帶我走吧」,Glenn大驚。(((帶我回家吧,拜託
這短片的結局還可以。Mila之所以需要彈鋼琴是因為爸爸稱對奶奶稱說Mila已經學鋼琴兩年了,還要Glenn幫忙答是。但實際上Mila根本什麼都不會啊。後來表演的時候, Mila當然失敗了,但是Glenn就幫Mila把鋼琴彈完,但不是for elsie這首。但奶奶喜 歡才是重點。Glenn也逃脫被斷手指的命運。影片雖然在這裡就結束了,但我有點擔心 Glenn會不會被他家囚禁,在Mila家整天彈鋼琴。理由:奶奶喜歡Glenn。((不~~~
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