TV Mini-Series - 180 min - Drama | Thriller
A chilling and bloody legal thriller that explores the line between law and justice.
Written by David Wolstencroft
Directed by Brian Walsh
Country of origin United Kingdom
No. of series 1 / No. of episodes 3
Running time 57 minutes
Original channel BBC One
Original run 29 October 2013
出庭律師威爾‧波頓(大衛‧田納特飾)從未輸過案子,他曾幫助很多罪犯成功脫罪。然後在成功幫助一名臭名昭彰的謀殺嫌疑犯脫罪之後,這一決定卻給他招來事端。 (豆瓣)
the Characters
Will Burton played by David Tennant
A barrister.
Kate Burton played by Ashley Jensen
Maggie Gardner played by Sophie Okonedo
Liam Foyle played by Toby Kebbell
BBC ONE The Escape Artist
The Escape Artist (2013) imdb
The Escape Artist (TV series) wiki
逃脱大师 The Escape Artist (2013)豆瓣
Media Centre: The Escape Artist
我覺得此劇劇情跟標題差太多了(摀臉)。再兩個禮拜就播完了耶。在看the escape artist的時候,心裡一直想到 crimial justice (tv series),不過立場不相同。
第一集後半段神展開,其實可以從配樂的暗示知道有人會領便當,但實在太噁心變態了啊 D:
瘋狂截了可愛的David Tennant飾演的角色Will Burton (我有克制忍痛刪了一些),他的頭髮有時扁榻、時而柔順,戴眼鏡的樣子非常萌。在辯論上也十分有神韻,跟同事聊天也會露出他的個人特質。跟家人在一起也會露出溺愛的神情,身材纖細。
1/3 Will Burton's talents acquit his latest client of a brutal and high-profile murder.
Jamie's dad, Mr Burton, has come in today to talk about what he does at work.
Everyone deserves a defense.
Everyone deserves a defense.
Everyone deserves a defense.
故事一開始算是Will Burton的日常故事,工作,下班回家,接案子,但當接到Liam Foyle的案子完後,註定有不平凡的開始。所以可以看到一個人一切看似完美的人生,出現該死的破洞啊啊啊啊啊啊。
Do any of you know what a barrister does? Yes, Jamie?
-He stops people from going to prison.
And how does he do that?
-He tells a court that someone didn't do a crime. And sometimes the evidence doesn't cut it. And sometimes that means he can't come on holiday like he promised.
Actually, my job is mostly standing up and talking to a judge in court.
-What do you talk about?
If someone said they saw you take your classmate's pen, and you said you didn't, my job would be to show that whoever saw you was mistaken.
-What happens if I did take the pen anyway?
Well, then you'd be guilty.
-Yeah, but what if I said I didn't take it, and the person who saw me has bad eyesight, and you're so good at arguing they can't be sure it was me who took it?
-Ah! Well, then, that's what you call a reasonable doubt.
So I get to keep the pen?
-Yes, but then you'd be getting away with it.
Only if your dad was on my side.
(Will Burton好可愛好可愛好可愛,他被兒子學校邀請去他們班上解釋他的工作,barrister是在做什麼的。那個跟他問問題的小朋友演得好啊。兒子Jaime也表現的不錯。)
You know, there might be room in here for a large Scotsman. (由這句得知Will Burton是蘇格蘭人,哈哈哈)
Everyone deserves a defense.
I must say, I do like your game face, old boy.
-You haven't seen it yet, old boy.
((他的朋友,這演員是不是在crimial justice有演啊 ____Q<<
A colleague of mine just defended a 12-year-old boy who poured drain cleaner down the throat of his best mate because he wouldn't let him play a game on his phone. The world is broken.
It would be convenient for everyone here today if Liam Foyle was guilty. The cuffs go on and he's gone forever. The evidence seems overwhelming. But it is not. We may dislike Mr Foyle. We might cross the street if we saw him coming. But we do not have to like him to defend him. Because this is not a popularity contest, this is not a witch-hunt, this is a court of law, and in this country, when you're accused of a crime you are presumed to be innocent until proven guilty. And make no mistake, not a shred of what you've heard from my learned friend acting for the Prosecution has given any proof at all.
Anton Lesser又出現惹惹惹。他是Will的上司。(這一幕的DT好像乾淨版、沒鬍子的Broadchurch裡的DI Hardy
怒插棗子(還是青蘋果???)。Will Burton要來做些行動了。
barrister : 1. (in England) a lawyer who is a member of one of the Inns of Court and who has the privilege of pleading in the higher courts. 2. Informal. any lawyer. * the Inns of Chancery 法學院〔原為英國倫敦法學協會管理下的法科學生宿舍〕。 the Inns of Court 法律協會〔英國倫敦具有授予律師資格權的四個法學團體: Inner Temple, Middle Temple, Lincoln's Inn 及 Gray's Inn〕。
solicitor: (in England and Wales) a member of that branch of legal profession whose services consist of advising clients, representing them before the lower courts, and preparing cases for barristers to try in the higher courts. 其他:懇求者,催促者;求婚者;〔美國〕掮客,推銷員;募捐人。
contempt: an act showing such disrespect.
two-faced: 1. Having two faces. (這是神話什麼的吧..) 2. deceitful or hypocritical. 單純很喜歡這個自從主角的口中說出。
cryptic: mysterious in meaning; puzzling; ambiguous.
2/3 Liam Foyle is back in the dock, and Will's courtroom nemesis is defending him.
You're the only witness. So hands off. Protocol doesn't just need to be followed, it needs to be seen to be followed.
-爸爸 -讓我抱一會兒
- Dad! - Just give me a minute.
Probatio vincit praesumptionem.
Confused doesn't help us. Confused makes everything go away.
3/3 The case against Foyle is crumbling; can Will find another way for justice to be served?
Welcome to Scotland.
Oh, is that where I am?! I wondered why everyone was Scottish.
I see enough cases turn on discovery to know that a perfect crime only stays perfect if it's done in plain sight, wouldn't you say?
Could be.
Everyone would have all the facts and still have no idea how he really did it.
而實際上是wwww Will耍了一些詭計,拿了另外一筒針(筆)打在Foyle的身體,在某個時候把筆拋棄掉。而那注射的洞如果測含量的話,也會測到過敏原,但是問題是,Foyle火化了,所以沒有證據!超爽的阿。艸
這三集我在看的時候心裡的起伏很大。像是第一集,一直在想誰會死掉,結果居然是她Q^Q 第二集還好,因為就辯護成功了嘛,雖然看到判決還滿哭哭的,而第三集的後頭真是大快人心,雖然還是覺得主角有一點點罪,但我們都是主角那一邊的,所以就理所當然的會感到開心。蘇格蘭感覺很不錯阿wwww
那位女辯護師的假設就是主角做的事!帥翻了。看完整個可以理解為什麼the escape artist的海報是那樣子。
#DavidTennant #大衛田南特 #TheEscapeArtist #review #BBCone
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