5 November 2013

[British] Angel (2007) 逐愛天堂

134 min - Drama | Romance

Angel, also known as the Real Life of Angel Deverell, is a 2007 British film based on novel of the same name by Elizabeth Taylor, about the life of a fiery and passionate young writer. The protagonist was portrayed by Romola Garai, director François Ozon's first and only choice for the role. Other characters were played by Sam Neill and Charlotte Rampling, amongst others. (from Wiki)

Directed by François Ozon
Based on Angel by Elizabeth Taylor

Romola Garai as Angel Deverell
Sam Neill as Théo
Michael Fassbender as Esmé
More check here

逐爱天堂 Angel (2007) 豆瓣

Fassy跟導演François Ozon,這張好可愛喔,煩煩

This story is about a country girl who becomes a popular writer and lives her life.

*spoilers* A girl thinks a lot. She writes. -> No one sees her talent. -> Her books finally are published. -> Fame comes. -> Fall in love with a handsome guy, the painter. -> Marry. -> During the war, something changes. -> Bad things come. -> The end.

I have to admit the beginning of this series is attractive. For example, an ambitious girl wants to be famous by writing although people surrounding her do not know her talent. Until a book publisher accepts her work and publishes it, the fame comes.

Well, it makes me expect to see some wonderful lovely conversation once Angel and the painter fall in love. (kind of force? :/) Then, the plot just goes bad. I mean, some negative parts show up like betrayal and cheat. A lie comes after a lie. But it’s a life. What a tragedy.

Poor Angel. Poor the painter.

At some moments, I don’t agree with Angel’s point. Not everything would go your way. And even you force it to do so, it might escape from your control eventually. That’s really frustrating, isn’t it? And I strongly feel pity for Angel. She writes and writes just want to give her husband money. And she never feels regrets to do it. But you know what the painter does @#$%^&*(.

When the painter goes for a drink and comes home late, Angel forgives at most of time. One night, the painter just says something like this “I will never leave you.” Fxxk, once I see it, I have already what will happen next and it’s bad. Really really bad.

The plot is typical, classic. I don’t really have many feelings for it. (I am so cold. LOL)

What makes me watch this is because of Michael Fassbender! Oh my, he is gorgeous in this TV series. But his role is a bastard. LOL I like his eyes, splendid eyes. And his words make me shiver. I am totally a fangirl for him.




不過Michael Fassbender在裡面扮演畫家好帥阿阿阿,雖然揍你(這角色)十拳完全不夠。



畫家男主角在裡面就是個頹廢男。但他還有想到他的第一個家、責任。我覺得很殘酷,尤其是故事進展到後來,有次畫家喝醉酒說「我們來生小孩吧。」1. 欸,這是強暴吧。 2. Angel好慘,儘管如此還是縱容畫家到處趴趴走。3. 事實是,Angel無法生小孩。

所以如果Angel有辦法生小孩,畫家就不會離開了?(擤鼻涕) 當時醫療技術就那樣,有什麼辦法。還有這個「Angel,我永遠不會離開你。」干干干,這是死亡旗幟,然後真的就bye bye了。真想掐死你。(惱怒)






不過為了Michael Fassbender的帥氣、放浪不羈的演出,可以看一下。

I think the discuss/question on imdb is good. I love reading it and absorb different aspects and think.

Pic spam belowwww :P

How dare you hit me?
- I'm sorry, but I'm sick of it.

有書商要出版小姑娘的書了~ *奇怪的旁白 by a891692005

You see, nothing I'm telling you seems real. And one day, I might even stop believing it myself.

The thing is Lottie what if Angel really is gifted and we just don't understand?







哭了,噢~~~ Angel把畫家的畫當展覽弄出來了。但Esmé覺得是在羞辱他。接下來劇情神展開。我覺的前半段都不錯的說。

如果男人噁心的話,那你還是和我妹妹再一起更好些。 (來人啊,賞Esmé一拳都不夠)



#MichaelFassbender #法叔 #法鯊 #麥克法斯賓達

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