Fled is that music:-Do I wake or sleep? Ode to a Nightingale by John Keats / Read in order to live. / It's an insane world, but I'm proud to be part of it. - Human Traffic / ヤス:「きっと僕にしか出来ないコトがあって。あなたにしか出来ないコトもあって。だから、もっと自分を信じてみてもいいと思います。」
A shocking murder outside Merlotte’s has Bon Temps reeling. Meanwhile, Sookie’s relationship with Bill is tested when she learns about Jessica, and of his involvement in her uncle’s death. Sam recalls a shape-shifting encounter he had with Maryann as a 17-year-old. Jason gets a sudden windfall that allows him to pay for a leadership retreat with the Fellowship of the Sun. Two adversaries find themselves sharing a mysterious dungeon and, possibly, the same fate.來源http://www.cinemaxasia.com/cinemax/movie/3972眾所矚目的True Blood Season 2 終於在8/22 開播囉~雖然HBO還是剪很大,但是Bill&Sookie的XXXX是觀眾不太想看到的。(好啦,是我不想看到的)這集我覺得最受到驚嚇的是.... Sam and Lafayette !!!!!!!!Sam 應該是超級怕Maryann <--一副老奸樣.. (Sam受驚下的樣子真的超像小狗狗..Q Q)
Nelsan Ellis as Lafayette / copyright HBO
給他六小時,咱們吸血鬼大軍就會出動咬死你啦~~~~ 死太陽盟XDDDDDDJason... 竟然還花大錢去參加他們...像一個等待上帝救援的小孩.. 話說Jason的表情跟第一季超差多~~
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