6 December 2016

field trip: Vall d'Uixo


好啦,以上是每個禮拜日的掙扎,因為一直拒絕也會覺得很不好意思,雖然轟媽都一直說:you’re always welcome dear。

總之上禮拜六就是參加了所謂的 field trip,總之就是以戶外教學名義的跑出去玩啦~ 這次戶外教學是Vall d’Uixo 的政府贊助的,包括車資、午餐、去看洞穴的門票。轟媽說前幾年因為西班牙經濟太差,所以這個field trip是被砍掉的,但今年又重啟了,好幸運哈哈哈哈。因為住在瓦倫西亞區,所以這邊的人會瓦倫西亞語Valenciano跟西班牙語,所以當自己看到完全無法辨識的文字時,一定會默認成是看不懂、聽不懂的Vlaenicano!像是在瓦倫西亞的車站的站名各個都是方言,根本無法理解跟聽不懂ㄎㄎ,但當地對語言的保護很認真。


9.15 hours: Meeting at the bus stop in Parque Ribalta.

9.30 hours. Departure by bus to Vall d'Uixo.

10.15 hours. Arrival in Vall d'Uixo. Free time to visit the city center.

11.30 hours. Signing of the cooperation agreement between the City Hall of Vall d'Uixo and the UNESCO Chair of Philosophy for Peace to fund a scholarship to study the Master Peace in 2017-18.

12 hours. Roundtable on Peace and Human Rights entittle Different Perspectives of the Human Rights (under the International Human Rights Day which is December 10th), in which will participate 3 students of the Peace Master, Andrea Vargas (Colombia), Larika Waldman (Alemania), Mario Jeune (Haití) and Vicent  Martínez Guzmán, director of the UNESCO Chair.

14:00. Lunch in a Restaurant. Menu: salads, appetizer (hors d'oeuvre) and the main course to choose among:  paella, fideuá, pork or chicken.

16 hours. Visit the underground river, caves of San Jose, http://www.covesdesantjosep.es/.
It is a cave through which passes the river San Jose, 2,750 meters long, which would place it in the World Catalogue of large cavities. It is an indescribable wonder, because the combination of whimsical forms of nature and artificial lighting builds a fantasy world in which the light, shapes and color acquire its maximum expression.

17.30. Return by bus to Castellón

During the city visiting, I was half boring although the tour guide tried his best to explain to us in English. But most of time, he talked in Spanish. And I was like pffff again, listening stuff in Spanish which I can’t understand. Why every time when you visit a new place and they start to talking in their mother language? And I started wondering that Spain is a place for advanced Spanish learners to stay! It’s not a friendly place for beginners. I mean I just stay here about two months, I still don’t have the ability to understand all of the information. ;(

Imagine that you decide to stay in China, Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, etc, and the tour guide always speaks in his mother tone, such as Chinese, Japanese, etc. And you just started to learning their language about two months. I assume you would be depressed as me.
----complaining ends----

There’s one special thing about the trip is I met a girl who also likes to listen to British bands and watch anime! <3

And we complained about why British bands never consider to have gigs in Spain! Her favourite band is Arctic Monkeys. I knew the band when I was in high school but at that time I was listening to Coldplay and James Morrison and some American indie bands. lol Anyway, during the lunch time, it was like a button being switched on and we talked a lot. It was my happiest time in Spain so far! We have same hobbies! :D

After we were back in Castellon, we went to the medieval market. It was so crowded.

Anna is also Jinsol’s mentor. That’s cool because I don’t know about it.

The cave is really cool. But I’ve already seen this kind of scene in Vietnam. lol It’s beautiful tho. And Hache hugged me so many times. jajaja

教堂的名稱好像是這個:Iglesia Parroquial Nuestra Sra. de la Asunción



下塔時發現...... 這應該是鴿子蛋吧。



後來看完教堂就走來這邊,他們在簽訂什麼協議的。也談了人權。開會之前,其中一位說了 we're very sorry 因為他們接下來都是要用西語進行會議。(好啦有被安慰到)







會議結束後就走去吃飯啦~ 認識的新朋友超棒的,這整台車的國際學生都是轟媽課上的人,所以我當然是通通都不認識!!!!跟我搭話的Anna其實是轟媽工作的院上實習。

他說他去英格蘭交換了一學期,本來想一年的但實在太貴負擔不起。他的本命團是Arctic Monkeys,我跟她說我的本命團是The Libertines,我有一個疑問實在太好奇了,他到底怎麼知道我去法國看Pete表演的????

而且我們還一起大肆靠北英國樂團都不來西班牙開唱w 心有慼慼焉啊!!!而且他有推特跟湯不熱,根本是同路人wwwww 後來聊了一點英劇跟電影後,我問他有沒有在看動畫。bingo!!!! 他也有看動畫啊www

「你有看yuri on ice嗎?」
「有!!!!!!!!!!!Yurio超可愛!!!!」他拿出手機把最新一話Yurio把皮羅什基(пирожки, Pirozhki)拿給Yuri吃的那個笑臉給我看。

更加認定是同道中人了。 後來邊吃飯邊聊,整個fangirl大爆發~~~~ 頻率太對了。


大聊特聊離開吃飯的地方想不到也四點多了,這時認識了一個新朋友(記不住名字ㄎㄅ),他以為我是男生www 還說第一印象錯誤(短頭髮),他發現我是女生後立刻跟我道歉。我跟她說剪短頭髮後這種事常發生,所以見怪不怪了。

後來到了caves of San Jose,進去前有假船,轟媽就說可以拍照喔,結果竟然是我當攝影師,ㄎㄅ喔~但基於整團人我都不認識就覺得好吧算了。




雖然不能拍照但單獨走步道時還是拍了幾張,但鐘乳石就這樣啊沒啥好看的w 一公分要花一百多年!


#Spain #Castellon


  1. 我喜歡教堂那張XDD 我家那邊的還是人力敲鐘的哦~~~~

    1. 嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚嗚好久沒有人在這裡留言了(已哭

