After publishing a rant about 'idiots' - frantically hip, ignorant scenesters - Dan Ashcroft finds these same people embracing him as his idol and his nerves constantly tested by his biggest fan, moronic scene personality Nathan Barley.
Nicholas Burns plays as Nathan Barley 看起來最白目的那位
Julian Barratt plays as Dan Ashcroft 鬍渣男
Claire Keelan plays as Claire Ashcroft 鬍渣男的妹妹
Ben Whishaw plays as Pingu 白目的助手
Benedict Cumberbatch plays as Robin 不會賺錢的manager
More casts here
簡單來說這是齣很智障(全部的人都很白癡)、沒有重點的影集,滿好笑的(很北七),Ben Whishaw 跟 Benedict Cumberbatch 雖然出場的時間不多,但是他們兩個好可愛,都呆呆的。
All in all, this is a funny, ridiculous, stupid TV series. Some parts are really interesting, but some are really.. you know you might think what the fuck is that. Nathan Barley is cool but he is an idiot actually. And everyone is almost like an idiot.
Just relax and watch it. You'll get something from it. lol
Ben Whishaw is so cute in it. And Benedict Cumberbatch is kind of.. nerd? Well, both of them are lovely. That's the point.
In face, the last three episodes I watch online, so the quality is bad. (I have tried to search search and search, but they are already dead for a long time. What a disaster! I'd like to own all of them. Really. ) 網路上的畫質真的差到吐血。
Ben Whishaw #13 跟 Daniel Craig #1 排名都超前面的耶,想不到007 Skyfall 威力那麼強大,真希望二輪片能快點上映。
There are a lot of pictures below.
"Welcome to the age of stupidity. Hail the rise of the idiots." said Dan Ashcroft.
I feel pity for Pingu. Oh, by the way, this is the most important part: Ben Whishaw was so innocent and cute. <":
I'm not a preacher man.
Robin shows up. lol
Click here for large one
這小段是在說 Pingu問Claire要不要喝茶,結果Pingu(因為被Nathan嚇到)不小心把茶到在Claire身上,在慌亂之中,Nathan還比手勢說也把牛奶潑上去,所以蠢蠢的Pingu也照辦 :|
由於濕身的Claire換完衣服,Nathan卻說Pingu偷看她換衣服,所以Pingu很害羞的把臉給遮了起來 (其實Nathan也有偷看)
Geek Pie is a ugly haircut.
OMG Pingu focus on the game so much. And he didn't know Nathan play trick on him. Poor Pingu.
是有什麼恐懼能讓人跳樓? 可憐 lol
Dan Ashcroft 鬍渣男 逼不得已也跳樓(這說來話長),結局。
#BenWhishaw #班維蕭 #本威士肖 #BenedictCumberbatch #班奈狄克康柏拜區 #NathanBarley
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