A behind-the-scenes drama and espionage thriller in Cold War-era England that centers on a journalist, a producer, and an anchorman for an investigative news programme.
演播時刻(英語:The Hour)是一部2011年英國廣播公司電視劇,主題為BBC在1956年6月,正值第二次中東戰爭時期,播出的一檔事實節目。編劇為Abi Morgan,主演為本·威士肖(班維蕭)、多米尼克·韋斯特和Romola Garai。
BBC Two - The Hour, Series 1
The Hour on wikipedia
Major cast
Ben Whishaw as Freddie Lyon
Dominic West as Hector Madden
Romola Garai as Bel Rowley
Anton Lesser as Clarence Fendley
Julian Rhind-Tutt as Angus McCain
Joshua McGuire as Isaac Wengrow
Lisa Greenwood as Sissy Cooper
Anna Chancellor as Lix Storm
Kelly-Jayne Adams as Alice the PA
Burn Gorman as Thomas Kish
Juliet Stevenson as Lady Elms
Tim Pigott-Smith as Lord Elms
Andrew Scott as Adam Le Ray
Oona Castilla Chaplin as Marnie Madden
Characters with pictures and link of BBC
對The Hour 演播時刻 的總感想:我覺得這是部好影集,能了解當時的背景。即使之中總總複雜縱橫交錯,還是能一一釐清,每個演員都演得很好(廢話),人物刻劃的很鮮明,裡面很有 感覺的話我都有記錄下來。裏頭的配樂也超讚的,我很喜歡哈哈哈,不過各位吸菸也吸太多了吧(這一定是以前人死掉的原因哈哈哈)
一開始雖然是為了 Ben Whishaw 看的,不過劇情勝於個人啊(但他真的超突出,總是說事實,幾乎跟Sherlock一樣阿哈哈,真希望我身旁有這樣的人,一定會很有趣
十一月的時候會有第二季耶,太酷了,好期待 Ben Whishaw :)
The review of The Hour from me:
This series are awesome. It's interesting. At first, I watch it because of Ben Whishaw. (He is truly charming in his way.) But the more I watch, I found everyone has different personality and they are all good. And there are so many things I can learn from The Hour. Well, Ben Whishaw he plays Freddie. He is absolutely incredible. He always tells the truth just like Sherlock or House. If there's someone like Freddie shows up in my life, it will be awesome. In my opinion, the plot of The Hour is good. It makes you recognize that people live in 1950/1960s what they do and how they feel. I like the music used in The Hour. So yeah, The Hour is worth watching.
By the way, Andrew Scott is lovely. haha You know, as a fan. Oh, and everybody smokes too much, don't you think?
"A conspiracy is nothing but a secret agreement of a number of men for the pursuance of policies which they dare not admit in puclic." - Mark Twain
What one tries to do. Reveal fleeting moments of history, not with apology, not as it is now, endless static newsreel.
It has to be the hour that you can't miss. The hour you have to see. Putting real journalists in front of the camera is sending out the message that you take the news seriously.
I've kept up with what you're doing. Read your odd articles. That makes you quite unique. I even found the short story you wrote in The Listener, which, I may add, was not very good. Though I suppose the novel is perhaps still the last domain of the free mind. Where they can't tell you what to think, what to say.
That and art, I suppose.
-They? Who are they? What are you talking about?
They. They are everywhere. Here in this building. Out in the street, in your office. They even control what you write.
你這人就沒點自己的意見嗎? 難道你想一輩子就這麼唯唯諾諾的過嗎?
Have you had a single original thought in your life? Do you want to die knowing you were always a yes man?
If it's something you truly care about, believe in, then you have to keep kicking back. Let the rest of them give up if they must, but if that is being a grown-up... I'd rather stay 21 forever.
OMG Freddie is so sweet.
在民主社會 唯一肯定正確的是...,提出問題的權利,而真正的問題是:我們活在民主社會之中... 還是,或在假象裡?
In a democracy, the only thing one can be right about is... the right to ask the question. And the real question is, do we live in a democracy...or... under the illusion of one?
Brilliant, Andrew Scott. Oh oh it's Adam Le Ray. 雖然一直抽菸的行為很靠杯 :)
The man who knew shoots real. :D
哦 Freddie 沒有毛耶(說不定是為了這齣戲才把毛剃掉也有可能
Adam Le Ray (Andrew Scott) 想不到他跟他已逝的妻子居然居然... (好啦其實我在看第一集的時候就知道可能是假的了,假婚
可是既然Adam Le Ray這都能假結婚了^那樣又有什麼關係?(好啦滿嚴重的
Freddie 是位天真的人,可是身旁的人卻非常複雜...
超級額外話,這集超級養眼的阿我是說Ben Whishaw 跟 Andrew Scott ,都好可愛喔。我喜歡某個場景,就是20還21那位小妹妹Sissy在廁所裡跟Freddie講話的那段,小妹說人的臉越是對稱,人就越漂亮,例如 Adam Le Ray (Andrew Scott),就是個好例子,很對稱。:) 我覺得Freddie他的造型如果是現代版的,也會跟Andrew Scott一樣帥,哈哈哈(剛剛整理截圖越弄越嗨
Things happen that we can't even begin to understand, nor should we try.
就這麼發生了? 沒那麼簡單。發生了一系列事件,沿途做了各種選擇。任何行動都有相應結果,萬事都有因果。
Things happen? Things don't just happen. A series of events take place a catalogue of choices are made, an action takes place and it has consequence. It all has consequence.
可憐的Freddie 說了一些事實
# For he's a jolly good fellow x3
# And so say all of us!
27歲~~~~ (生日快樂啊XD
在Freddie的生日趴,之前演The man who knew 的女角說道:「你沒聽說嗎? 他在Russell廣場的男洗手間裡被抓了,當時他正在做些不該做的事,他似乎正保外後審,可憐人啊。」
太晚了 Isaac,每個人都要勇於冒險,每個人都要將自己投身於生活,而不是只是慢吞吞,要嘛現在要嘛就沒機會,快去做吧!
Too late. One has to leap, Isaac. One has to throw oneself into life. Not just shuffle. It's now or never. Do it!
哦主播人的妻子Marnie 跟製片人Bel說了,說穿他跟她之間的關係
恩哼 製片人應該會傷心一下吧?
(還是覺得Freddie很可憐 / _ \
Lies, lies you're from every where.
Augus 居然也跟 Adam 有關係? 哈哈哈 :DDDDD
我是說 Adam對 Augus講的話
MI6 到底是啥鬼組織阿(就像不可能的任務裡一樣的組織 007裡面也有LOL
製片人Bel傷心了(這段好複雜不想解釋 看就知道啦XDDD)
哈哈哈哈哈 女士絕對不會在車裡脫帽 LOL
可憐的 Ruth, Darell, Kish..
想不到 Clarence 是陰謀的總頭頭~~ (這季雖然結束了,但是超懸疑) 但是介於他很有立場,所以... 究竟什麼是對的?什麼是錯的? 這並沒有一定的標準阿。
- I hate you.
- I hate you, too.
他們倆個真可愛啊 James Bond and Miss Moneypenny. :)
I'm highly expecting season two.
It's For Ben Whishaw
For Ben Whishaw
For Ben Whishaw
And so are his co-workers.
(Well, I think Andrew Scott will no longer appear in The Hour.
#Ben Whishaw #班維蕭 #本·威士肖 #演播時刻 #時時刻刻 #The Hour BBC series one 1 第一季
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