OH, it's quite lovely, isn't it? Eric Northman is so perfect! ^My favorite scene.
s03e02 Beautifully Broken
Sookie: You know that maybe better than anyone.
When Godric went miss--
Eric: Bill Compton is no Godric.
Sookie: But he's everything to me.
Eric: Please don't do that. It makes me feel disturbingly human.
Sookie: I risked my life to help you find Godric
and I don't expect you to do the same for Bill
but at the very least I hope you'll help me if you can.
Lafayette: Life ain't not having problems, Tara.
It's about being able to deal with the ones you got.
s03e03 It Hurts Me Too
I don't like Lorena.
這集最後真的是太變態了阿= =
s03e04 9 Crimes
The ending music of the episode is really soft.
幸好有查到是誰的歌,不然我會嘔死~~ <":
Pam 好可憐Q Q Eric... 看起來很心急,希望不會怎樣才好 :")
s03e05 Trouble
Bill 最貼切的用語 死沒良心欸郎~~
a stone, actually.
Poor Tara. :"(
Sam: Hey, hey. Hey, now, it's gonna be okay.
I mean, sure, it's scary. She's a little crazy,
but so are... is everybody, you know? Don't worry.
Terry: I ain't worried. I've never been so not worried.
This is what normal people do, Sam. They fall in love.
They make each other laugh. And they move in together.
They raise kids. They fight over money.
They get old and fat together, and it's normal.
And it's happening to me. I can't believe it.
Sam: Well, I can. Nobody deserves it more.
it's so touching.~~ QAQ
Lafayette and Jesus' love. lol
Colonel Flood 看起來好虛 在小說裡感覺還好一點XD
s03e06 I Got a Right to Sing Blues
s03e07 Hitting the Ground
s03e08 Night on the Sun
s03e09 Everything is Broken
s03e10 I Smell A Rat
s03e11 Fresh Blood
s03e12 Evil is Going On
There's a big gap.
More details about True Blood (season 3)
s04e01 She's Not There
s04e02 You Smell Like Dinner
s04e03 If You Love, Why Am I Dyin'?
Tara: I was just following your advice. You said I could start a brand new life.
Sam: I ain't never said any such thing. 'Cause that ain't true. The life we got's the life we got.
Eric 失去記憶就像一個大小孩阿,還有也太像人類了!!!!!<333333 妖精們看起來都很恐怖阿,那到底是什麼族群?
s04e04 I'm Alive And On Fire
Eric: I'll never swim in the sun again.
Never see the daylight in your hair.
Sookie: I wish I knew what to saying to make you feeling better.
Eric: If you kiss me, I promise to be happy.
Deeping in the daylight is good, but if you will get hurt, you better not! BTW, Eric is so lovely! Poor Jason. Thank Jessica for saving his life! :) 巫術組則是持續救援(算吧 哈哈哈哈哈) 不過Pam好可憐喔居然被攻擊了,也謝謝善心的狼人Alcide幫忙:)
s04e05 Me and The Devil
What a horrible dream that Eric did! Hope Lafayette and Jesus can solve all shit things. I don't like Bill now because he does everything he likes with his power. Poor Pam. :/
s04e06 I Wish I Was The Moon
看來Bill還是有點善良嘛 要是Eric死掉的話,這齣戲要怎麼下去呢? 哈哈哈,喔片尾好色喔>////< 不知道Pam要做什麼事呢,有點危險。Lafayette and Jesus 這組也要加油啊!!!!雖然看起來也很恐怖。Sam跟他弟弟Tommy究竟會遇到什麼大麻煩呢,希望不會太複雜。雖然Tommy已經做了一堆事了。
s04e07 Cold Grey Light of Dawn
Antonia is a big big big truoble. Oh no Jessica meets the sun. :/ Sookie跟Eric 正火熱呢哈哈哈 Tommy完蛋了唉唉 (這整句話看起來好幼稚 哈哈哈)
s04e08 Spellbound
Sookie: There's no such thing as forever.
Eric: Well, war isn't about whether you think you can win, it's about willing to die for something you believe is worth dying for.
s04e09 Run
Antonia真是太莫名了啦。Tommy根本在做傻事阿。天阿這集。為什麼是操縱Eric呢:/ 這集的下次預告令人不禁覺得搞得很盛大阿哈哈哈有趣有趣:DDDDD
s04e10 Burning Down the House
Sookie太強了阿,很簡單的就破除了咱們性感的Eric,裡面我最想抱怨的是也犧牲掉太多人了吧!好吧,記憶恢復的Eric(嗯 仍然是Alexander Skarsgard.)如果還是跟Sookie在一起,也不錯阿~~ 哦哦其實以前那個Eric也不錯啦,一樣很吸引人(事實上他回來了,好吧有一點冷血是真的。)。Jesus真的做很多事,Andy也許是真的想回心轉意了。最後大家全副武裝是哪招阿,超帥氣(雖然知道他們要幹嘛)
s04e11 Soul of Fire
Jesus好不容易解決了,但Lafayette的體質,哇哪招阿,快點解決阿~~~~ 這幾集太緊張了。
s04e12 And When I Die
Alcide: People don't change. They just find new ways to lie. 有一點點heartbroken阿其實。
Sookie you can just accept what Alcide said, although Eric is better. lol Hey, I don't want to believe that Jesus is dead! God I do love him. :\
Sookie's Gran: Answer's where it always is... in your heart. Bein' alone, it ain't nothin' to be afraid of, my Sookie. We're all alone at the end.
天阿Jasson怎麼那麼愛跟Jessica做那麼害羞的事呢?(我在圖書館欸哈哈哈) Oh poor Pam. 哇哇哇不會吧Sookie要一起跟Eric跟Bill共度床上時光嗎? 嗯結果是同時跟兩個人分手也頗傷心的。Lafayette變成了靈媒,所以他隨時可以見到Jesus嗎? 這樣也不錯啦:)
Sam: Listen, I think life is violent, and cruel by nature. So, when something good comes along, you gotta stop and celebrate it. Be grateful.
怎麼大家都在上演離開的戲碼呀? Jason怎麼那麼... 好吧這就是他。Tara oh no. :( 片尾曲也太諷刺 第一句就 I'm not scared dying. 騙誰阿?
More details about True Blood (season 4)
Everyone's eyes are beautiful, especially Jesus'!
整理照片頗累(不知道到底開了幾次小畫家) 哈哈哈
Why Eric is so sexy all the time?
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