My first dream...
I was at the zoo or something, crossing the pavement.
Some rocks might fall down from it. And I had to run for escaping.
After passing it, I met the guy that I love.
But I can't remember who he was or what faces he looked like.
Then I stood besides him and started holding his butt for a long time until my dream ended.
My second dream...
In this dream, Hannibal Lecter became my boyfriend!
(Yesterday I searched Hannibal Rising but I didn't decide watching it or not. Maybe this is why he showed up in my dream. Anthony Hopkins is such an incredible man!
Let's back to the dream. At a night, he took me to his hotel. All rooms were in a mess. But he wanted to find a room which was covered with a lot of dusts. Actually I didn't know why.
Then I pushed him at the wall and kept touching him. (This is so sick.
Suddenly, I heard many gunshots through the wall. Security guards shot here because they thought someone broke into this hotel.
And... anyway Dr. Lecter killed them all. Don't worry about this, he didn't eat them.
In the end, we discussed for where we can abandon dead bodies.
Then I woke up.
(我比較想挑歌手耶 可以嗎
Yu-tong xxx
Singing In The Rain performed by Gene Kelly
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