10 January 2010

CSI MIAMI: 714, 715

714: Smoke Gets In Your CSI's

Episode Recap: ­While Calleigh and Ryan are investigating a dead body in the attic of a foreclosed home, they are caught off guard by a shooter who opens fire on the attic floor and sets the house on fire with an improvised bomb. After narrowly escaping the fire, with the dead body, the team sets out to find the person who tried to destroy the crime scene and their CSIs.

Shortly following her return to work, Calleigh suffers a delayed reaction to the smoke inhalation and is rushed to the hospital where Alexx Woods, a part-time doctor on staff, manages to save her life. After determining the attic victim was a surgeon, Dr. Donald Phelps, and was addicted to heroine, evidence reveals his drug dealer set the house on fire so Calleigh and Ryan wouldn’t find his stash. But when evidence proves the drug dealer didn’t kill Phelps, and the team discovers Phelps was performing illegal surgeries in his garage, the case takes a turn into the world of black market organ transplants.

這集超危險!!!!!! 而且 卡莉還差點死掉..


而且也看到了好久不見的艾莉絲... 還很恰巧的正在兼差時遇到

老何最後還附上了幾句關心的話,夠感人Q Q

感覺萊恩的態度.. 有點高傲(特別是挺著肚子命令不知名的部下做事的時候 XD)

人真是可以為了錢 即使有死亡的危險 還是會願意去做危險的事情..


Eric finally confesses (out loud) how he feels about Calleigh while sitting at her bedside. Little does he know that she heard the whole thing...until she tells him when she wakes up.

(上一集才想到的 阿~~~~這集就出現了 阿~~~~ 既不高興也不難過XDDDD)

715: Presumed GuiltyThis is a featured page 

Episode Recap:
­After the CSIs testify in the murder trial of a woman killed at a country club and a jury reaches a guilty verdict based on the team’s evidence, Horatio finds new evidence that suggests the convicted killer, Alfonso Reyes, is innocent. While the team re-opens the investigation and starts over from square one, their job is made even more difficult by a hot shot federal prosecutor, Derek Powell (special guest star, Sean Combs)­, who will do whatever it takes to win. But when a pattern in the victim’s blood points suspicion on a prominent business man and Powell shows up as his lawyer, the CSIs suspect Powell setup Reyes to take the fall and that they’re investigating a larger cover-up behind the girl’s murder.

這集看了感覺有夠OX的, 那律師也保護嫌犯到不行 還有那位法官

"庭上" 是一個職位的稱呼?   (怎麼不直接稱呼法官? 老何也真奇怪)

他也很卑鄙... 老何最後還強調  被關的那人是無辜的耶!!!!!!!!!!! 市長的有錢朋友了不起? XDD

當老何建議艾瑞克拿水給他喝的時候  (咱們都知道老何要做什麼XD)

他跟他的律師要走時,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  那律師還把水喝了 ,他果然很清楚!!!!!!! (每個人卑鄙XDDDD)

蛆是不是比蒼蠅還大?  看到納塔莉亞在比對蒼蠅時..  還滿有疑問的XD (勇氣很大XD)

後來萊恩還發了瘋的去攔截嫌犯,但這是有意義的  (這段很好看)


節目快結尾的時候 也很刺激 (其實我心裡在想.. 拍攝還用到直昇機  這錢花不少喔...)



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