Episode recap:When a body comes flying out of media mogul Robert Dunbrook's highrise office window and then disappears, Robert Dunbrook is their main suspect. Given his history with Mac, Dunbrook requests Mac be taken off the case, however, Sinclair insists that he stay on. Meeting nothing but conflict, Mac and the CSI's work the case and discover the last person to enter Dunbrook's office (as "witnessed" by Dunbrook's hi-tech biometric security) was Ann Sinclair -- a high-powered "fixer" killed several months earlier whose flashdrive filled with potentially dangerous information to many of the city's elite was stolen from the police evidence locker. The CSI's discover the missing body was that of a dishonored FBI agent who had been searching for the flashdrive to restore his career.The FBI agent discovered Dunbrook had the flashdrive and was trying to steal it when Dunbrook's son discovered him and killed him.
我覺得麥克這集的臉... 只有 兇猛 兩個字可以形容
而Dunbrook <--- 報社長 , 就像他散發出來的感覺,很討厭的討厭,
而且最後被逮捕的,竟然是報社長的小孩.. 我覺得他都沒有什麼戲份耶= =
522 | Yahrzeit
Episode recap:
Burglary seems to be a motive when an appraiser at a Christies-like auction house is killed. However, when the CSI's discover that a cryptic series of dots tattooed on the victim is actually a coded form of the Nazi symbol, they realize the case is connected to neo-Nazis. Mac questions Avi, a Jewish clock repairman who is a camp survivor who was selling his wife's brooch that same day: he admits to arguing with the victim, but given his history, he has long adopted a "turn the other cheek" mentality and walked away. When they search the victim's apartment, they find a secret room filled with second world war contraband, including a diary from a young Jewish woman at Auschwitz. Mac delves further into the history at nearby museum of Judaism, only to discover a story about a woman who gave a German teenager a brooch to secure her safety, only to have the teen take the brooch and turn her in. Mac puts together that the brooch was the same as the one Avi was auctioning and that Avi was the Nazi teen who had disguised himself as a Jew after the war in order to escape suspicion. The victim had discovered Avi's identity and Avi killed him to protect himself. Unfortunately, during the investigation, Danny comes into conflict with a neo-Nazi who ends up suing him for police misconduct.
丹尼這次很衝動,應該是因為那個新納粹份子有點汙辱到薛爾登.. 不過你好冷靜..
說到納粹跟猶太人.. 這是二戰的故事,屠殺猶太人阿~~ (感傷)
一個爐子有三格一次可以燒90個人 (是這樣嗎? 剛剛記不太清楚)
反正一次就死了很多人...... 這真的不是人做的事情,可是他們做了。
麥克的爸爸的也是.. Q Q
他還用一種語言說:他們應該全部死掉 (類似的話)
而且裡頭有一張照片.. 在國三的課本有出現過!!!!!~~~
就是 左邊的人都是躺著的,骨瘦如柴。 右邊有一個站著的人。
喔~~ 這真的太慘忍了.. Q Q
521: http://newyorkcsi.wetpaint.com/page/521+%7C+The+Past%2C+Present%2C+and+Murder
522: http://newyorkcsi.wetpaint.com/page/522+%7C+Yahrzeit
版主 於 September 23, 2009 07:33 PM 回覆
哇 太酷了吧
喜歡就好> O <
Delete那動作跟場景好像是模仿某種很久以前的照片來的.. (不太會講..)
版主 於 September 24, 2009 11:04 PM 回覆