Da Vinci's Demons (2013)
Highly recommend this TV SERIES! :D
My review
Da Vinci's Demons is worth watching. At first, the poster is not really attractive to me and so is the main character, Leonardo Da Vinci. Average looking I supposed. And I really can't stand Leonardo's beard. (I apologize for that. LOL) However this story is really good and I can't wait the next series.
Da Vinci uses his intelligence to solve problems and his friends will do everything for him. It's touching. And at that time, Florence and Rome, they have political issues. The pope from Rome wants to take over Florence with God's name. Well, in series one, they have been fighting (secretly). And what role is Da Vinci to be in it? He services for Medici which takes charge in Florence. Also, he is associated with the son of Mithras. If he discovers more about it, he will find his mother who left him since he was a baby.
The reason why I chose to watch is because of Da Vinci. (I am a fan of Dan Brown. I've loved his novels since I was a junior high school student.) And about history, I love everything in Renaissance. I really do. :)
By the way, I have crush on Girolamo Riario. He's so gorgeous in the show. -/////-
他是伯爵Riario。(Lord Girolamo Riario或Count Riario)
簡單來說,Da Vinci's Demons的故事就是,達文西他效力於佛羅倫斯,當時最強的是梅第奇家族,然而羅馬,就是教宗那邊,想把佛羅倫斯吃下,兩方暗爭明鬥。裡面超多噴血畫面,男人露出他們的下面(都不是我喜歡的角色,根本無感XD),女生大多只露胸部,泡澡啊什麼的,之類之類的。有些劇情會令人覺得怎麼那麼腐敗lol。
Genre: Adventure / Drama / Historical fantasy
Format: Serial drama
Created by David S. Goyer
Starring: Tom Riley, Laura Haddock, Blake Ritson, Elliot Cowan, Lara Pulver
Theme music composer: Bear McCreary
Composer(s): Bear McCreary
Country of origin: United States / United Kingdom
Original language(s): English
No. of seasons: 1
No. of episodes: 8
所謂的官網 Official Site of Da Vinci's Demons
Plot Summary for "Da Vinci's Demons"
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Da Vinci's Demons on wiki
达·芬奇的魔鬼 第一季 Da Vinci's Demons Season 1 (2013) 豆瓣小站,裡頭有中文介紹
yahoo的新聞:STAR MOVIES《達文西闇黑英雄》全球同期首播(算有介紹一點點啦我覺得
簡單的角色介紹 Cast
Leonardo da Vinci played by Tom Riley
Da Vinci就是個絕世聰明的發明家。腦裡有很多點子。個性頗光明面。他講話的方是很令人喜歡。有一點點玩世不恭的感覺。
Lucrezia Donati played by Laura Haddock
Count Riario played by Blake Ritson
Girolamo Riario是羅馬教皇第一助手。下的指令總是很慘忍。他有低沉的嗓音。身形纖細。
Lorenzo Medici played by Elliot Cowan
Medici家族的門面,頭頭。一開始是Da Vinci自薦讓Lorenzo雇用他的。
Clarice Orsini played by Lara Pulver
Lorenzo的老婆。據說在第二季他的戲分會變重。(你不是Irene Adler嗎)
Zoroaster played by Gregg Chillin
Da Vinci的朋友,滿會交際的。
Vanessa played by Hera Hilmar
Da Vinci的朋友。有時候我覺得她的樣子好美,像是一張圖。
Nico played by Eros Vlahos
Da Vinci的朋友,也算徒弟吧,因為Nico會稱Da Vinci為 Maestro。這演員真好適合當古代的義大利人。
Pope Sixtus IV played by James Faulkner
Pope就是Pope啊。教宗。(這演員就是演X-Men: First Class被Magneto拔牙齒的那一位先生。)他在這部戲很有氣勢。
Giuliano Medici played by Tom Bateman
Al-Rahim played by Alexander Siddig
這人就是激發Da Vinci想找到母親的人,還有Book of Leaves的謎。這網站的問與答有大概解釋這虛構的書 Does anyone know "book of leaves"?
想聊聊演Riario的Blake Ritson。他會很多種語言。我覺得他算是幕後居多,是導演也是寫者。神韻很棒。靦腆的笑好可愛。他現在的髮型帥氣到不行。
imdb上面有寫 Each episode of the series is named after a tarot card.
1x01 The Hanged Man
一開始Da Vinci就在測試他發明的東西。
還有Da Vinci會買市集上的鳥類,放出來練習鳥的結構。
I just prefer not to eat anything with eyes.
- 馬鈴薯也有眼睛。 - 滾開,Nico!
- Potatoes have eyes. - Fuck off, Nico!
But pleasing to the eye, nonetheless.
History is a lie that has been honed like a weapon by people who have suppressed the truth.
Centuries from now, your own history will also be suppressed.
You have heard the phrase 'Time is a river'? What most fail to grasp is that time is circular. One man's death opens a doorway to the birth of the next.
- 我不相信命運。 - 那就相信你自己。
- I don't believe in fate. - Then believe in yourself.
Call it a character flaw. I believe man will fly and I base this assumption on the fact that God has blessed us with minds that are capable of imagining it. Anything that can be dreamt of will eventually be built. Anyone who says otherwise is a fool.
Da Vinci 棒棒 (拇指)
1x02 The Serpent
這畫面活生生的像是在說「這個Da Vinci只是個畫家,他設計的東西能打仗?不要被他騙了。」
I take it all back. If you had tits, I'd marry you.
- 所以你要的是男人的靈魂加女人的奶子?你面前的路很危險阿,朋友。
- So, you long for the soul of a man but the breasts of a woman? You have a treacherous road ahead, my friend.
(當Da Vinci講到 my friend,好吧,這根本就是令人顫抖的關鍵字)
Then I'll have you as well. I know who you are; you know who I am. We both know what's transpired. Now, tell me: what do you see?
(有基情超展開,不應該說是Riario的展開攻勢,好棒的嗓音。為什麼整個縱容達文西www 心動到我的句子都好怪,艸)
Why do you laugh?
- 總有一天,Lupo。這裡的一切都會歸附於羅馬的統治下。如果統治的來臨會因為Da Vinci的發明而延後,那就順其自然吧。
- One day, Lupo, all that you see here will fall under Rome's rule. And if that day happens a bit further down the road, because of Da Vinci's intervention... So be it.
But he has the key. That makes him one step closer to obtaining the Book of Leaves.
- 暫時就那他拿著,至少我們知道它的存在。此外,沒有對應的部分,那鑰匙毫無用處。
- Let him keep it for now. At least we know where it is. And besides... the key is useless without its counterpart.
如果Da Vinci拿到了那部份呢?
And what if Da Vinci obtains that?
- 不會的。
- He won't.
How do you know?
- 因為它在我這裡!現在你知道了,親愛的Lupo,為什麼我覺得這整件事如此好笑。
- Because I have it! And now you know, dear Lupo... Why I find the whole affair so amusing.
1x03 The Prisoner
Medici 家族的戲份變重了。
You treat me like a fool. But I'm capable of leading. The people love me.
- 是愛你的長相。但你那帥氣的鼻子擋不住羅馬的進攻。只有Da Vinci的火砲可以。
- They love your face. But that smooth nose of yours won't keep Rome from striking. Only Da Vinci's guns will.
"When life's path is steep, keep your mind even." My father taught me no matter the business surrounding you, never lose the count.
We live in craven times. A man would have a city in flames to make his life more comfortable.
那是個意外。 - 無能之人常有意外。
It was an accident. - Incompetence often is.
Surely, the Lord wills that we embrace him.
- 那就想個辦法。拉達文西過來,如果你有興趣的話。
- Find a way, then. Make this Da Vinci ours, if it amuses you.
(這段對話後來頗傷心,因為Holy Father[他長得太猥褻了,所以沒他的臉,噗]說要Riario的女僕,雖然是奴隸,要借一個晚上,我們都知道那個猥褻、受人尊敬的色老頭要幹嘛阿。Riario聽到時,臉抽了一下,但他不得不答應。在此之前,Riario的這名女僕是外國人,不會當地語言,是Riario教她的。影集在小細節透露出Riario是個頗用心的人啊啊啊啊。嗚嗚說實在,Riario也只是一個棋子,但有誰不是?)
(瞬間以為Da Vinci跑去Hannibal的戲棚了,哈哈哈)
God punishes his admirers, and leaves heathens like us unscathed? This has the makings of a plot. Invoke the Devil, make people afraid, and when they're afraid, they stop asking questions.
澄清一下,下面那隻手,是Da Vinci自己的手。他只是邊思考邊啃鑰匙。Riario也有一把,當他從他的胸口拿出來,美景啊!
He doesn't seem to be interested in his freedom. Maybe he likes his pretty cage.
1x04 The Magician
這集在說如果Medici家族不接受羅馬的協定,Count Riario就要帶著兵打過來。
Da Vinci在這一集根本是Sherlock阿。聰明人的特質大同小異。
Lorenzo對Da Vinci說
You gather what little you hold dear and you meet me in the field. I want you by my side when I am forced to accept Rome's terms. And if Riario wants you... he can fucking have you.
Life's precious, Lorenzo. Even a traitor's. "We read that we ought to forgive our enemies. We do not read that we ought to forgive our friends."
1x05 The Tower
第五集在演Da Vinci逃獄計。而且Pazzi 輸了,打從心裡開心。
這是Da Vinci的爸爸。Da Vinci是私生子。
Buona sera. Enjoy the Decameron.
這影集有特別之處,能學到一點義大利文。像上面的, Buona sera 還有 signor, signora ,分別是先生跟女士。還有 maestro ,就跟念起來的感覺一樣,master 或是 teacher。
Lies, truth. It's irrelevant. The best story wins.
Da Vinci因為被匿名者控訴雞姦(sodomy,雞姦者:sodomite。糟糕學到負面的字)在監獄等的有點久。因為審判官早就被Pazzi收買,不過Da Vinci用了有趣的方法脫困。
恩,匿名者是在第一集吧問Leo要不要幫他畫畫的那名男生。是說他是男妓這件事在法庭上被公開,實在對不起那位男生。但可以觀察到,他的想法被扭曲了。Leo對於說再見好溫柔,嗚嗚嗚。(真可惜<--錯了吧) 而且Pazzi還派人去搜Da Vinci的房間!靠,一定會看到畫男生裸體的畫阿,藝術家耶耶耶耶耶。
What you have with women isn't love. You're with them out of fear.
我生性好奇。慾望,並不只侷限為性交的性別。Jacopo,傷害你我很抱歉。我的探索與好奇心,它們.. 它們並非沒有代價,我應牢記於心。但相信我,相信我,沒人可以限定我。(侷限?) 佛羅倫斯過時的法律不能,當然,你也不能。你對我的癡迷中會消退,並會愛人別人。我深信不疑。每一個吻都有含意。這個吻,是再會。
I'm curious by nature. Desire.. it's not as simple as one sex or the other. Jacopo, I'm sorry I hurt you. My experiments and curiosities, they're.. they're not always without cost and I should mind that better. But trust me - trust me.. no-one defines me. Not Florence's outdated laws and certainly.. not you. Your infatuation will fade and you will find others to love. I have no doubt. Every kiss sends a message. That one.. was goodbye.
(Da Vinci說得太好了,雖然小傷心)
1x06 The Devil
上面這位先生在David Tennant演的是Casanova的助手,在John Simm的Human Traffic也出現過。(真是陰魂不散XDDDDDD)
I don't find it hard to live without a soul.
噁到連Da Vinci都說 "Shit. Fuck me."。 lol
1x07 The Hierophant
He's alone. For the first time in days.
Da Vinci在偷窺Riario。(艸)
這是潛水裝,不要懷疑XDDD 畫面好像太暗了。然後Da Vinci像神一樣從水裡冒出來。
I will follow you to the ends of the earth to retrieve what's mine.
There may come a day where I am forced to take your life, Girolamo. It's not today. I've come into your home and I've taken the thing that you hold dearest.
I erm.. I plan to return the favor soon.. and take the one most dearest to you.
Maestro, shall we just leave him?
To be haunted by your mistakes, Nico, that's a fate far worse than death.
藍色是Riario,他超級從容不迫的,紅色是Da Vinci。我們見證了你們的羈絆了。
1x08 The Lovers
And you, I'll miss you as well, my friends.
Nico跟Zoro根本不可能放Da Vinci一個人獨自出遠門去找答案啊!
為什麼要碰Da Vinci!XD
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