A drama about the shifting power in a marriage when the personal and political collide.
I have to say, if you are not fancy on the actor/actress or the plot, you may get bored while watching it. I watched this because of David Tennant. That's all. :P
Written by Paula Milne
Directed by Simon Cellan Jones
Starring: David Tennant / Emily Watson / Ed Stoppard / Roger Allam
Country of origin: United Kingdom
Original language(s): English
No. of series: 1
No. of episodes: 3
Original channel: BBC Two
Original airing: 25 April 2013
PLOT from Wiki
Senior Cabinet minister Aiden Hoynes (David Tennant) and his wife Freya Gardner (Emily Watson) are a high-flying golden political couple. Hoynes resigns from his post after his leadership bid was thwarted by his friend, the equally ambitious Bruce Babbish (Ed Stoppard) who was aided by Chief whip Marcus Brock (Roger Allam). Freya, who had to temporarily stall her career to look after her two children Noah and Ruby, replaces Hoynes in Cabinet and is faced with the decision to publicly support husband or further her political ambitions by condemning him. Away from Westminster, husband and wife face an uncertain future as they come to terms with the diagnosis that Noah (Oscar Kennedy) has Asperger's syndrome.
Aiden Hoynes
Played by David Tennant
Freya Gardner
Played by Emily Watson
Bruce Babbish
Played by Ed Stoppard
這算是一個ㄘㄨㄥˋ 主角 坑的角色XDDD 我還是搞不太清楚裡面政治的運作,還有他們到底在玩什麼遊戲
Marcus Brock
Played by Roger Allam
Ruby and Noah Hoynes
Played by Lucy Hutchinson and Oscar Kennedy respectively
順帶一提,Noah是Oscar Kennedy演的。他有演過Toast的小時候主角,希望他之後會接更多戲(好可愛XDDDD)
More characters detail from BBC two http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p00yfm4l/profiles/characters
1x01 A stellar political couple face an unstable future after his resignation from the cabinet.
第一集演了Aiden因為反對移民政策,所以辭退。而Freya有機會進去內閣,所以也就回到崗位去了。至於他們兩位的朋友Bruce (應該算是) 捅了Aiden一刀,背叛了Aiden。
Well, I don't like the bed scene. It just.. I CAN'T. D:
床戲有點變態欸,說真的,很火,非常火,DT你怎麼演這種那麼令人...的角色呢? 此外二三集的床戲.... 好...變態 D:
在Freya還沒去作電視訪問前,他跟Aiden有對話,Aiden說 上了電視你會支持我的觀點什麼什麼的,Freya說支持。但是上電視後, 當主持人問了這問題,一開始Freya一直拐個彎說明,但最後沒辦法了,就說他不支持她老公的論點。結果在家裡看直播的Aiden氣得把酒杯給捏爆!!!0 _______ 0
1x02 Unable to accept his wife's success, Aiden begins to plot Freya and Bruce's downfall.
1x03 Aiden plots a brilliant comeback - as well as Freya and Bruce's downfall.
#BBC2 #BBCTWO #DAVIDTENNANT #DTT #DT #大衛田納特 #ThePoliticiansHusband #政客之夫 #review
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