Everything matters, now. Who did what, who was where. Everything connects..
I recommend watching it! 值得一看的作品
Broadchurch 小鎮疑雲 (大陸譯名)
首播日期:2013-03-05 周二
Genre Crime Drama (懸疑/罪案)
A new eight part ITV ensemble drama series, Broadchurch, led by David Tennant, Olivia Colman and Vicky McClure will explore what happens to a small community when it suddenly becomes the focus of a major event and is subjected to the full glare of the media spotlight.
Bloodied and dirty, Danny Latimer has been found dead on an idyllic beach, surrounded by rocks and a jutting cliff-face from where he may have fallen. Whilst his death remains unresolved, the picturesque coastal town of Broadchurch is at the heart of a major police investigation and a national media frenzy.The sadness of losing a child consumes Danny’s family, Beth and Mark Latimer (Jodie Whittaker and Andrew Buchan), their daughter 15 year old Chloe and Beth’s mum, Liz as they attempt to cope with their grief. Understandably they struggle to cope with the unwarranted attention heaped upon them. Devastated by their loss, they struggle to relate to their friends, neighbours, the church, the press, and the police.
David Tennant takes the role of DI Alec Hardy; an out-of-town, newly promoted police detective who takes the job local girl DS Ellie Miller (Olivia Colman) believes should have been hers. Ellie has to find reserves of patience and toughness to negotiate a professional relationship with the difficult and unyielding Hardy. Yet as the drama progresses, Hardy’s own secrets are laid bare. Ellie is also emotionally involved with this case. Ellie’s son Tom was the dead boy’s best friend and she’s known Danny all his young life. How could she not be drawn in? But Hardy’s clinical methods force Ellie to see the community she grew up in through a different prism. One by one the community of Broadchurch are drawn into the police enquiry. Local hoteliers and business people are implicated as the effects of a death in the community begins to impact on their hard-earned livelihoods. But can the town survive such a seismic shock during its economically crucial summer months? As the case drags on, the whole town will come under pressure: personal, economic, professional and emotional.
*fangirl mood*
Okay, how did I discover this TV series? Oh... I am a Whovian now. (Also a Wholockian, Doctor Who fan and Sherlock fan, actually. :D) Doctor Who (超時空博士、神秘博士、異世奇人) is really FANTASTIC. I LOVE 9TH AND 10TH DOCTOR. THEY ARE ALL BRILLIANT. I WILL INTRODUCE IT IN THE FUTURE. Yesterday I just finish watching Last of the Time Lords. John Simm as the Master is amazing too. :)
So, my favorite actors are David Tennant and John Simm. And I may watch everything they act.
以上是迷妹模式,再次強調我超級喜歡David Tennant 跟 John Simm.
you can download something from this soundtrack ost
Cast and characters
David Tennant (大衛‧田納特) as Detective Inspector Alec Hardy - Alec has recently arrived at Broadchurch, wanting a quiet life after a scandal tinged work history. He is immediately thrown into the deep end with the case, and is unwilling to trust anyone, including his partner, DS Ellie Miller.
Olivia Colman as Detective Sergeant Ellie Miller - Ellie is Alec's partner, and has a personal connection to the murder of Danny Latimer. She has lived in Broadchurch all her life and her son Tom, who houses a dark secret of his own, was Danny's best friend. Ellie is deeply affected by the murder and resents Alec for taking the job she was promised by Superintendant Jenkinson.
Andrew Buchan as Mark Latimer - Mark was Danny's father, and is desperately grieving for his son. He is determined to find Danny's killer, but has a secret which he needs to keep; where was Mark on the night of his son's death?
Jodie Whittaker as Beth Latimer - Beth was Danny's mother and is completely overwhelmed by Danny's death, and struggles to cope, telling Ellie that she is the furthest away from herself than she has ever been before. She struggles to trust her husband, who was missing on the night Danny first disappeared.
Vicky McClure as Karen White - Karen is the high-flying reporter for the Daily Herald, who is determined to get the full story for the murder. She is not fazed by the sensitivity of the murder and instantly locks horns with Alec, and threatens to expose his shadowy past.
Arthur Darvill as Reverend Paul Coates - Broadchurch's vicar, Paul, has a secret of his own about Danny's murder; could he be the man that Alec and Ellie are looking for?
Pauline Quirke as Susan Wright - Susan prefers to observe Broadchurch's day to day business from afar, but takes particular interest in Danny's death, which happened not far from her home. Does she have something to hide?
Jonathan Bailey as Oliver Stevens - Olly is Ellie's nephew and a budding reporter for the Broadchurch Echo. An early mistake leads the mainline press to stream into Broadchurch, a decision which strains him from his aunt and his boss, Maggie.
Will Mellor as Steve Connolly - Will is a telephone engineer who knows Mark. He soon finds himself deep in the case when he reveals a secret to the police.
Carolyn Pickles as Maggie Radcliffe - Maggie is the editor of the Broadchurch Echo, and is furious over Olly's decision to tweet the identity of the murder victim. She is determined to work with the police rather than against it and takes a motherly approach to her relationship with Olly.
Matthew Gravelle as Joe Miller - Ellie's husband Joe does his best to support his wife through the murder while looking after their two sons.
Charlotte Beaumont as Chloe Latimer - Chloe is overwhelmed by her brother's sudden death, and is at a lost. She is having a relationship with an older boy, Dean.
Susan Brown as Liz Roper - Liz is Danny's grandmother and she is completely at a lost following her grandson's death. She tries her best to hold the Latimers together.
Tracey Childs as Superintendent Jenkinson - Jenkinson is Alec and Ellie's boss, and tries to settle Alec into life in Broadchurch. She knows about his past and does not use it against him. Ellie is furious when she learns Jenkinson has given her job to Alec.
David Bradley as Jack Marshall - Jack is the owner of Broadchurch's corner shop, where Danny used to do a paper round. He is one of Alec's suspects when he learns Jack lost his wife a few years ago.
Joe Sims as Nige Carter - Nige is Mark Latimer's employee at his plumbing firm and best friend. He is very close to the Latimer family.
這就是一樁殺人調查案,恩感覺跟 The Town 很像(其實也沒那麼像),ITV 的風格大概就是進廣告了吧
雖然David Tennant 在這齣跟女警探同樣是主演,帥是帥,但是帥的好嚴肅((廢話,這是個調查案子的故事
When Alec says BLOODY TWITTER, I strongly feel we should protect those people who have hard time instead of doing something wrong.
For God's sake! Bloody Twitter! These people's lives have been destroyed and now our incompetence has made it worse. Think what we have to do now to rebuild trust there.
Who told the journalist?
其實Arthur Darvill 是我會喜歡的臉 www
整集大概在講有位11歲男童Danny出乎意料的死在海灘上,可能是從懸崖掉下去的,但是草地上並沒有強拉之類的痕跡,然而驗屍報告卻顯示Danny有外 傷,所以這案子有詐阿,所以要調查到底是誰幹的。最後幾張照片是小鎮的各位都很注意的在聽 Alec Hardy 的報告。(Alec接替了Ellie Miller的位置,但是Miller跟這案子、家人、所有人都有關聯,所以她也要加入調查,以上)
I can't eat that.
不吃炸魚和薯條,你還是蘇格蘭人嗎 (其實還外加不喝咖啡,哈哈哈)
You don't eat fish and chips? What kind of a Scot are you?
太可愛了 <3333
想不到Paul 是位教士!!!!!還有媽媽懷孕這件事真的不需要跟家人講嗎?這集家人們交給警方他們懷疑的名單,但是Alec表示這可能是要誘導他們。警察局在裝新的電 線時,有位可以通靈的人告訴了 Alec 死者想說的話,導致通靈人被抓去詢問了,但卻問不出所以然,是滿妙的。而且 Alec 他的皮夾有一位女生,通靈人說那位女生已經原諒 Alec 了,也許接下來的故事為稍微提到 Alec 的背景故事吧。 家中的爸爸似乎有什麼不隱之情。警方也發現了死者 Danny 可能的案發現場。
-等我破了這個案子 -你就那麼鐘情於此嗎
- Not till I'm done here. - You like it that much?
No, I hate it. I hate the air, I hate the sand. I hate the stupid people, I hate the way they work. I hate their bloody smiley bloody faces. I hate the never-ending sky.
Well, why be here at all?
It's penance.
這集spirit guide又大顯身手的告訴媽媽Danny他很好,而且Danny希望媽媽不要再堅持找兇手,因為那個人是他最熟悉的人。(這也太折磨人了吧) 然後爸爸打死也不承認那個晚上他到底去了哪裡,結果是他跟某人睡在一起!當他說那個晚上他沒有出去、有去Danny的房間說晚安,說不定這悲劇就不會發生 了,看到這裡我有一點小難過。最後媽媽還是發現她的丈夫跟別人親在一起!!!這集就懸在這兒。Miller邀請Alec去她家吃飯呢!她說這是習慣,感覺 就頗有趣哈哈哈
Outstanding. Out-bloody-standing! They're panicking, Miller. Fantastic. That is exactly what we want. Starting to show themselves. And they're an amateur. Haven't done this before. That's clumsy - burning the boat like that and so soon. That's a big mistake they've made. That's like oxygen to us. Breathe it in.
^ You are the Doctor!!!!!!!!!
I can call you Alec tonight, can't I? Not Hardy or sir? 'Here's your dinner, sir.'
我不喜歡亞歷克這名字 從不喜歡
I don't like Alec. I've never liked Alec.
-"亞歷克" -你也可以選個別的名字
- 'Alec.' - You can always choose another one.
Why does everyone use first names so much, like they all work in marketing or something? Why do people insist on doing that? I mean, if you look at a person I look at you... You know I'm talking to you. I don't need to say your name three times to congratulate myself on remembering it, to create some...sort of false intimacy or...
Alec is totally right! I am the person like that. (nod
Listen. You mustn't tell anyone about this. If they find out I'm sick they'll take me off the case. I don't want to come off this case. I need to finish this case. Becca. It's my career. This is my life.
Oh, and erm... funny thing. I had to tell someone. Erm... SOCO Brian just asked me out.
- Brian? Why would he do that?
Thanks a lot.
- You're married. I told him that, but it didn't seem to faze him.
- Flattering?
Well, sort of.
But it's SOCO, they've had their hands everywhere.
- Dirty Brian.
噢~~ Alec Hardy 的反應還真可愛哈哈哈
Seriously, I would love to relax with you. lol
整集從原本以為 Jack Marshall 是位曾對小孩下手 變成 Jack 他那次跟未成年女發生性行為、被關、出獄,跟她結婚並生下小孩,但是小孩在6歲時、媽媽開車,發生車禍,一位愛子的老人。Mark Latimer 的轉變滿大的。話說群眾憤怒的感覺好恐怖,而且還是不明就裡的那一種。有時報社的行為真是無法擋,至少、至少,能提供正確的資訊好嗎? 我想Latimer夫婦大概可以走過來吧
Poor Jack Marshall ;(
特寫~ 吃個吐司也要大動作阿~哈哈哈 :D
這集一開始大家都準備去哀悼那位老先生,大家怎麼都打領帶!噢噢噢Hardy打領帶時超順的耶。然後大家都想要讓生活會到原來的軌道,但還是太難了,這裡看了有點心酸。後來也對教士提出疑問等等,然後他們逮到了Susan Wright ,但他要他的狗才要回答問題,而那隻狗被 Danny爸爸的朋友 偷去啦,這一定有詐!!!最後差點追到那朋友,然而 Hardy 卻.... 痛到 倒在地上 @口@ 剩兩集就要結束了捏
噢噢噢幸好狗還活著,然後Alec送醫這件事 Ellie Miller 覺得很生氣,對啊有個負重病的人還堅持工作!!!但Alec還是回到警局,但是他只有一天的時間,因為隔天警方醫院那邊會把Alec帶走。這集有兩個大爆點,Susan 的小孩居然是那個光頭、Alec Hardy 背負的譴責 (以前那樁案子破不了) 原來是他老婆送證物時,先去旅館小酌,還外遇,後來車子被打劫,最重要的證物消失,Alec為了不讓女兒發現媽媽有外遇,所以把這整個事件給扛了下來,也因為這樣,自己也生了病。 Q __ Q
也許兇手是 Miller 的小孩呢,因為教士說 他跟Danny其實有打過架,還有那台筆電究竟有什麼。下禮拜事情就會揭曉啦~~
-什麼東西 -葡萄
- What are those? - Grapes.
What did you bring grapes for?
I hoped you might choke on the seeds.
They're seedless.
Don't be a smartarse.
I'm sensing you're angry with me.
You nearly died on me.
-才沒有 -明明就有 他們告訴我了
- No! - No, you did, they told me.
They can't do that.
They told me you've been here before,
you discharged yourself before against their advice.
心律失常 你應該告訴我的
Heart arrhythmia. You should've told me.
該死 我還有隱私嗎
Bloody hell! Is there no privacy here?
The end surprises me. 如果我很會推理的話,可能會假定 Ellie Miller 的丈夫就是兇手。全部都太驚人太痛心了!!!! 我覺得 Broadchurch 比 The Town好看太多(真的
David Tennant 大衛田納特 博士 review 10 Broadchurch 小鎮疑雲 2013 英國影集 英劇
最近一直在GOOGLE benwishaw
哈囉。真高興你也喜歡 Ben Whishaw
Delete其實我分享的東西有點少阿 (有些電影看了就只是擺著XD)
版主 於 March 23, 2013 12:06 PM 回覆
ReplyDelete我是無名介紹JOHN SIMM全擺照片的那個TRACKPHY~
的身分,解釋了他和SAMMY BOY的故事喔~~去看去看!
我想找的是 state of play ,還是沒找到,有點舊了阿,而且現在很多連結都壞了@@
謝謝,我看完LOM會去看ATA 的 :)
版主 於 May 2, 2013 04:45 PM 回覆
謝謝你的解釋 (雖然我很有可能又會忘記lol)
Delete版主 於 May 2, 2013 04:40 PM 回覆