10 April 2011

CSI LV: 1101:1122 (end)

CSI第十一季我來了~~~ 聽說justin bieber(Jason McCann)最後會被賜死


11.01 | Shock Waves


Langston fights for his life after being stabbed by psychopath Nate Haskell, while the other CSIs attend a funeral that turns deadly.


一開始是雷跟尼特上一季最後的畫面,尼特超踐的,最後還偷偷電擊雷,後來警員到場阻止了尼特,隔著一個鐵籠還那麼囂張,他真的瘋了。尼克也十分難受吧,他不小心讓一個警員死了,舉行喪禮的時候尼克有發現炸彈,不過沒有幫到忙。炸彈還是炸了,設炸彈的人太可惡了。然後小賈斯汀  Justin Bieber 出現了。沙拉揍的那拳太有魄力了,哈哈哈。


11.02 | Pool Shark


Hysteria ensues when a shark attacks a woman in the pool at a Las Vegas casino "day club," and the CSIs must determine if the killer is human or shark.




11.03 | Blood Moon   

Season 11 - CSIA vampire and werewolf convention is at the heart of a murder investigation in Las Vegas.

the blood moon 看起來真恐怖,節目一開始就有人遭遇很恐怖的死法。黃色的隱形眼鏡的確很恐怖。他們是到了多麼恐怖的婚禮地方,還有奇怪的獠牙,嘖。戴紅色的隱形眼鏡感覺好噁,巫師跟吸血鬼的年會?他們是多信仰那宗教。哈哈哈雷的裝扮也頗恐怖,而且怎麼連凡赫辛(休傑克曼~~ XDDDD)也扯進來了,哈哈哈哈。

11.04 | Sqweegel     

Sqweegel, a serial killer who is punishing local heroes that harbor hidden secrets, is on the hunt in Las Vegas.


11.05 | House of Hoarders  

A woman who suffers from a condition called "hoarding" becomes a murder suspect when a dead body is found buried under piles of trash and debris inside her home.


11.06 | Cold-Blooded

When a college student ends up dead after a "Walking with Dinosaurs" show, the CSIs must determine if his death was murder or accidental.


11.07 | Bump & Grind

When the CSI team discovers the shredded remains of a man, they find themselves with multiple suspects who may be responsible for his death.


11.08 | Fracked

Two men are murdered right before exposing a natural gas company for poisoning residents in a farming town, and the CSIs must discover who is responsible for their deaths.


亞齊 Archie  好久不見啦~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~  :)

11.09 | Wild Life   

A man's fatal fall from a hotel balcony launches the CSIs into an investigation to determine if his death was suicide or the result of foul play.


11.10 | 418/427   

The CSIs set out to track down a pedo-phile suspected of murdering an FBI agent's wife and kidnapping his children.


11.11 | Man Up    

The CSIs question the validity of an online picture depicting a murdered call girl until they find the same woman strangled to death in the dumpster that appears in the photo.

這三個人根本是大傻瓜吧=___= 這集看了才發現上一集雷沒有出現LOL 兩個案件同時進行耶,一開始他們在看照片的時候,我還以為是真的,哈哈,後來真的是真的= = 哈吉斯的摩托車,真開心他釐清了一個案件,自己一個耶(戲份好多LOL)被殺女孩的男朋友實在頗有欠揍之風,唉,那麼辛苦賺錢還不懂得珍惜。

11.12 | A Kiss Before Frying 

The CSIs link a body with severe burn marks to possible execution by electric chair – and to a legendary Vegas murder. Meanwhile, Greg asks out Ellen, a pretty schoolteacher and forensics enthusiast who has been touring the crime lab.

被電刑,有點小慘說。葛瑞格跟Ellen 一見鍾情欸,如果不是尼克強烈建議要電話,說不定葛瑞格就不會傷心了,很少看到小葛那麼帥,你後來也太亂來,幸好沒怎樣。 :)


11.13 | The Two Mrs. Grissoms

A night full of celebration ends with a bang when the director of a scholarship foundation for the deaf is killed by a deadly car bomb, prompting Sara to interrogate the students and faculty of the college where her mother-in-law works.

莎拉穿的超漂亮!第一次看到。我覺得失聰人士都很不方便了,怎麼還有人想找他們詐騙呢?有夠可惡,這集居然有葛瑞森 :) 比手語是另一個世界阿,莎拉要更認真學,不然弄個翻譯在旁邊好了XDD 莎拉跟葛瑞森的媽媽的心結沒了,耶。:)

11.14 | All That Cremains

A thrift store donation turns gruesome when a dead body is found in a box; meanwhile, Langston's wife pays a surprise visit to the crime lab.

這集有點人不可貌相,是說死者有一些些罪有應得。雷有點小可憐耶,雖然他非常祝福他的ex-girlfriend,不想忘掉人生中美好的時光。 0 . 0

11.15 | Targets of Obsession

Langston testifies against the notorious "Dick & Jane" killer, Nate Haskell. Meanwhile, Nick receives a call from troubled teen, Jason McCann to warn him of impending danger.

to say honest, I am angry as well as Nick. 整個就是被那個小鬼給騙了阿,死掉活該,吼,而且還讓一位解除炸彈的人死亡(雖然他一開始出現,我們家的人都覺得他會死),尼克完完全全好心被雷搥,凱薩琳跟她男友也受傷耶,還差點死掉= _ = 希望凱薩琳的男友不要再死亡了,對此深深感到擔憂。Haskell 他居然...,那些陪審團有很嚴重的缺陷= =。雷講的話真的很好。

11.16 | Turn On, Tune In, Drop Dead 

The CSIs are on zombie alert when two men initially pronounced dead mysteriously come back to life

這集真是辛苦法醫了(哈哈我不小心忘掉你的名字XD) 如果是我講電話講到一半,後面明明是個死人卻起來走路,我也一定會當場昏倒,不過這件事會帶給鑑識科一些負面的新聞。我覺得到頭來,嗯.......怎麼會有人想體驗死亡呢?是很好奇沒錯,但總不能因為這樣就冒著生命危險來行事吧,如果死後的世界比現在生活的世界還要好....雷講的話有一些些讓我小嚇到說,這樣XDDDD

11.17 | The List 

While investigating the murder of a convicted ex-cop, the CSIs stumble upon a list in his prison cell with names of several individuals he believed might have been his wife's true killer.


11.18 | Hitting For The Cycle 

A string of deaths, including a gamer found dead on his couch and a newly divorced man at the bottom of a pool, instigate a bet among the CSIs as to whether they've "hit for the cycle" – a homicide, a suicide, an accidental and a natural death all in one night.


屍體也多起來啦 法醫實在是太聰明了!!!!!!

11.19 | Unleashed

Langston and Sara turn to Lady Heather for help in tracking down the culprit responsible for injuring a woman before she was seemingly mauled to death by a mountain lion. Meanwhile, Nick and Dr. Robbins manage to rescue the unborn baby of a teenage girl who appears to have committed suicide.

這集超誇張的那些人..... 那醫師也有問題吧 ~ ____ ~

本是被家暴者 最後為了救人而去施害 恩...




法醫當場將小孩救出來也十分的 十分的讓尼克震懾 哈哈XD

那些簡訊的縮寫好難  我只會用LOL   哈哈


11.20 | Father of the Bride

Following his escape, Nate Haskell, the notorious "Dick & Jane" killer, resurfaces when he emails a disturbing video to the father of one of his brides, threatening to take her life.

蛆好大隻  尼克應該很臭吧 哈哈XDDDDDDDDDDDD

最近幾集死掉人數飆升 喂喂喂都誰害的 =(


11.21 | Cello and Goodbye

Langston becomes more determined than ever to track down Nate Haskell, the notorious "Dick & Jane" killer, after discovering that he's kidnapped his ex-wife, Gloria.


大家都知道他怪怪的 但也是為他好

希望雷   恩........



內特真的很.... 真想快點把禍害給掐死XDDDD


11.22 | In A Dark, Dark House

After years of pursuit and a countless number of murders, Langston comes face-to-face with serial killer Nate Haskell inside the house where his killing spree began.

這一季完全是雷的復仇記LOL 算了,一個禍害消失在地球上也好

BE GOOD 很好呀,真的很好 <":

最後是開放式的結局呢~~~ 我認為雷會承認..

局裡的人大家都好愛保護自己人 :$

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